Learn to Love Fitness – Clashmore/Kinsalebeg
Are you a female over 16?
Do want to start exercising, to feel fitter and to have more energy?
Waterford Sports Partnership is running a six week tutor led physical activity sessions starting on Mon 3rd Sept 2018.
Cost: €50.00 (this includes 3 months membership at Clashmore/Kinsalebeg Community Gym)
By the end of the programme you will:
- know the basics of flexibility, mobility and injury preventation
- Have learnt how to lift weights safely and effectively
- Be able to create your own basic exercise plan/programme
- Have the skills, knowledge and motivation to be physically active for life
Stop wishing and Start doing!
For more information, please call Eadaoin on 0761 10 2199 or email eloughman@waterfordsportspartnership.ie
Spaces are limited but you can book your space now at https://www.eventbrite.ie